Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Masterpiece Max: High Volume & Definition Mascara by Max Factor

This is one of the things i bought on my tax return shopping spree. I'd gotten a little sample one just before Chirstmas in a free promotion at Boots. Spend more than £15 on Max Factor products and get £25 worth of products free. So I did. And when that ran out, I found another mini in a gift set in the Christmas sales for £1.99 in Superdrug. But unfortuntly this had gone a bit dry and was making my eyelahes all clumpy. So I decided to get the full sized one. It was under a tenner anyway.

So this is the mascara I've been usinf for the last 6 moths or so and apart from an Avon one I had which has lost all wording off the bottle it is one of my favorites. It is not to sticky and it makes my lashes super long. This is super important to me as I have to wear glasses all the time if I want to see and because I'm short sighted my glasses make my eyes look smaller. Also I only really get up about half an hour before I have to be any where so I'm pretty used to wacking on my make-up and leaving my house. If my mascara is too sticky I get black bits all over my glasses, which then ends up all over my face and hands and everything just goes wrong.

It;s quite a quick drying formular i find and even if i decide I want to do a super eye rub with my hand, it doesn't smuge. Which is useful because I'm either running around for 8 hours of the day with no mirrors around serving old people Cream Teas, or running around for 5 hours in a hot and sweaty night club dealing with drunk people. Sweat-proof make-up is pretty much all I have if I don't want to look like the girls who fall out of my night club at the end of my shift.

The brush is a pretty standard mascara brush, but I use an eyelash curler on my eyelashes before anyway and after putting mascara on them they hold the shape all day anyway, so I don't really need a super fancy brush which makes them curly. I just want to be able to brush some on and go. I only ever tend to wear one coat of it as well as I fond this is enough. Mainly because i work more often than not and I can't really be bothered to look really nice, because customers will complain no matter what you look like.

I've problby rambled on enough. To sum it up, this mascara does exactly what it says on the tin. HIgh Volume and Definition. Here are some photos to prove this, and for you're viewing pleasure. Before and after. On the before photo I have already curled my eyelashes. Well briefly anyway.

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