Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Foxy Locks Extensions, Superior Set: Colour 90 Platinum Blonde

Guess what came on Friday?!

My Foxy Locks extensions!

I Have been wearing extensions on and off now for the last four years. My hair never seems to grow longer than shoulder length. And that was even before I started experimenting with bleach and every shade and colour under the sun. It's been everything from black to green to pillar box red to purple to platinum blonde. And about several other colours.

Right now it's platinum blonde, which is more of a problem when looking for extensions. In extension colours Bleach Blonde 613 and Light Ash Blonde 60 are too yellowy for me. My previous Blonde extentions where Headkandy Bunny Blonde, which needed about four toning shampoos till they where close enough to wear, ut they were still a bit too yellow. I think toning them that much kinda killed them a little bit too, they'd always tangle and shed super badly. But they were so beautiful and soft and lovely when they came out the packet in April, I was almost tempted to try and get some yellow in my hair so they'd match. But after such a long process to get to Platinum Blonde from a super deep dark chestnut brown, I still don't want to give it up. The process pretty much destroyed my hair, which is now super short.

I'm so glad I got the Superior set which is 215 grams. Despite having super short hair, it is unbelievable think, and seems to grow outwards not downwards. It's so super soft. It holds curls so well even without hair spray (as you will see from the photos). 

With the Superior Set came; 1 quad weft with four clips (The Volumizer), two four clip wefts, two three clip wefts, two two clip wefts and four one clip wefts. After playing around with them a bit I think I've settled on the pefect way to clip mine in. This goes, working from bottom of the hair up; four clip, four clip, both three clip going from top of each ear to back, then two clip either side and the four clip Volumizer at the crown. With the single clips going wherever I feel are needed. I also add five one clip lilac streaks I put in between the three clip and two clip layers. If that makes any sense?

I absolutely love these extensions, they are the perfect colour, which means they don't have to go though the toning hell my Headkandy ones went though. They're getting super well looked after at the moment, mainly because they cost about 3 days of work (I tend to think of everything I buy in terms of how long it takes me to earn it at work).

The extensions have shedded slightly since I got them on Friday, but they do get worn a lot. But not half as much as my Headkandy ones used to. I hooved on Sunday and there was just so much hair on my floor. They also don't tangle as much either. The weft I wore at the bottom of my hair line, with the Headkandy set, would always tangle really badly which meant it shedded horrible when combed, even with a tangle tamer.

Overall, I really love these extensions, and I would urge anyone who's undecided between the 160g Deluxe and 215g Superior set to spend the little extra money to buy the Superior set, after having it, I can't imagin going back to 160g full head sets.

And finally here is a photo of the beautiful things in;

The waves I put in last night and they have lasted all day at work (a nine hour shift of running around). So they went in at quarter to eight this morning and came out at about ten o'clock this evening. With no hair spray! And just to compare and show how well these blend, this is a photo of me without extensions in. Super short;

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