Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Although I buy a lot of stuff for myself, I do buy stuff for other people. On special occasion or just if I see something. My boyfriend gets a lot of kit kat's.

I thought I'd do a post of some of them present that have gone down the best in the last few months.


Mum's Birthday
My Mum loves kitchen gadgets, and although I cannot compete with the £400 Kenwood blender thing my Dad bought her, I knew she'd love an Ice Cream maker as it's one of the gadgets she doesn't have. She loved it. Me and my bother went halves on this present as although £39.99 is super reasonable for an Ice Cream maker, my brother is a poor student, and I am poor graduate. I rang her a few days after she got it and she'd already made a ridiculous amount of ice cream and gone though half the recipe book that came with this. I order this from firebox but after having a look it's no longer available.

Brother Birthday

I got my brother two t-shirts and a marmite pot key ring for his birthday from Truffle Shuffle. I did buy him three t-shirts to begin with but the jaws one was out of stock so I changed it for a keyring of his favorite childhood food. He and I would spend our childhood battling it out on Mario Kart. I still remember the one time I beat him and he had a sulk :) We also watched a lot of star trek with our dad. And although he is named after Scott Tracy from ThunderBirds (my choice) I couldn't find any t-shirts of him (Vergil seems to have all the fame) So Star Trek was the next best thing. By the time I'd rang him to say happy birthday he was already wearing it and loving it.


Fathers day

Once again another firebox find. My Dad likes tea and photography oh and Dr. Who so I think these went down well. Also the fact I remembered went down well.


Dad's Birthday

Another firebox, they are not paying me honest. I got my dad the Spock (blue) one. I rang him to say Happy Fathers day and he was already wearing it. Result.

Living away from home, I love internet shopping for presents. It makes it about a million times less stressful, particularly since I work 60 hour weeks and anti-social hours for the post office, or even shops for that matter.

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