Sunday, 1 July 2012

Max Factor Pan Stik: Colour 13 Nouveau Beige Review

Now as I said in my Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream review, I have super light skin, so Nouveau Beige is quite a dark colour for me. But I bought it with the idea of mixing it with a mouturiser which pales down the colour. I did this because It is pretty much a grease paint. This doesn't mean it's greasy, although generally made from oil, it just means that it has amazing coverage and a very deep opacity. I first came across grease paint when I start playing around with SFX make-up and film work. I use it a lot on set for the actors as typical make-up will melt off under bright lights and won't give a glossy finish. I first started using the brand Dema-colour which is generally used for completely covering scars and blemishes, I tended to use it for giving latex pieces and SFX wax wounds a more realistic colour.

Anyway, getting back to the Pan Stik, I bought it because working in a night club it gets super hot. And when the bar gets busy you are making drinks as fast as possible. These things added together equal a lot of sweating. So I needed a foundation which could deal with that as I found all my other ones just couldn't deal with it.

When I use the Pan Stik I use any moisturiser I have to hand and a foundation brush and just mix a bit of each together. I do this because I found my skin does not agree with Pan Stik on it's own as it is a thick product. After I have applied it I set it with powder, it doesn't seem to matter what i use. After it's set, to make sure I don't have any tide lines, I use my usual foundation, Max Factor: Lasting Performance colour 100 Fair currently, over the top. Not loads just a light coating.

This then stays put forever. I have been know to be so tired when I get home at gone 3am than i fall asleep before I get the chance to take my make-up off and in the morning my make-up wipe is pretty dirty with Pan Stik. So that's a good 12 hours plus of it staying on my face.

I will update this with before and after photos when I next go to work. Because of the above reasons I am taking a few days off from Pan Stik as my face is not happy with me.

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